Inspiration: The Love of God Protects you
Do not long for human love. This longing in your heart is really the desire for God. His love you will find will be with you through eternity, and through all your trials and miseries you will feel His love protecting you. You came with Him, you are still with Him, yet you deny Him now, but when your loved ones are gone, He still will be with you. When you hear the voice of God saying that He loves you, then you will be satisfied. He will never let you be the victim of trials and suffering, for His love will be the power that will guard you.
Human love, when it is charged with the Divine, becomes perfect. When you cut off the little brook from the fountain, then it is lost. When you cut off human love from divine love, then it is imperfect. Remember, you are your own judge. Will you doom yourself to suffering and ignorance or will you say: "I shall free myself!" If restlessness troubles you, meditate. The greatest of all temptations is restlessness. When restlessness comes, it causes evil. If you meditate regularly, you will be with God all the time.
Text courtesy ;Guruji's Madhumakhi ( )