Thursday Morning Satsanga, SRF Convocation 2010 Question: Explain God to us. Satchidananda: ever conscious, ever new bliss. God will answer prayers and guide us. The ego knows that by philosophizing we keep God “out there”. Question: How do you meditate? When meditating, it’s difficult not to intellectualize. Master said tune in and “get my meaning.” The difference between meditation and concentration is that meditation is the application of concentration. Use Master’s teachings and keep as simple as we can. The real education is to practice and then we can go back and study. Question: How do we be still and know that I am God? Look at Man’s Eternal Quest. Practice the techniques and find out their meaning. It’s God talking to us. Know the aspects of God in you as peace, wisdom, and bliss. Keep the body still; still minds and settled thoughts become calm and clear. Every person at sometime has a spiritual experience. ...