Inspirational thought of the day

Quote; a Prayer & an Inspirational thought of the day August 23

Quote of the day
Reflections on Love

Love may exist in the presence of passion, but when passion is mistaken for love, love flies away. Passion and love together are a bittersweet mixed drink that produces some joy, but mostly an after-sorrow. When pure love is quaffed, the taste for passion loses itself in the sweetness of true feeling.
-- Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
Excerpts from THE DIVINE ROMANCE (297)

All my powers are but powers borrowed from Thee. No one is greater than Thee, O my Lord. We cease to live and express without Thy wisdom and strength. Thou art so big; we are so little. Teach us not to be proud. Thou art the Guru teaching in the temple of all souls. I bow to Thee, at the feet of everyone.
-- Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
Yogoda Satsanga Lessons (169)

An inspiration thought of the day August 23

The most destructive shaft of maya-delusion is unwillingness to meditate, for by this attitude one prevents himself from tuning in with God and Guru.

-- Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda, in "Rajarsi Janakananda: Great Western Yogi"


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