
Showing posts from August 31, 2008

Quote: Illness /Pain

To my surprise I saw that most of us had selected the illnesses we would suffer, and for some, the illness that would end our lives. Sometimes healing does not come immediately, or at all, because of our need for growth. All experience is for our good, and sometimes it takes what we would consider negative experience to help develop our spirits. We were very willing, even anxious, as spirits to accept all of our ailments, illnesses, and accidents here to help better ourselves spiritually. I understood that the pain we experience on earth is just a moment, just a split second of consciousness in the spirit world, and we are very willing to endure it. (Betty Eadie,In the Book `Embraced By the Light')

Introduction to Meditation

This will be a good and inspiring introduction to the world of meditation.But meditation without a Teacher ( Guru) is strongly discouraged.Querries invited

Help to QUit Smoking

Here is the American Soceity of cancer help siteto quit smoking.Its lenghty read at leisure